High Quality Translation Services


Type of text:
Business (Standard)
Business (Technical)

Estimated word count:

Original Language:

Required Language(s):

(Hold control key to select more than one language)


Include GST?
Include VAT?

Your Name:

Company Name:

Email Address:

Additional Info:


Presentation is just as important as content. We are experienced in both digital imaging and commercial art. All work is carried out in conjunction with linguists, who can address idiosyncrasies such as hyphenation and pagination to communicate your message in its proper cultural context.

DTP can be performed on your existing files, or files can be created in a variety of software and hardware platforms. Our graphic artists have the ability to generate a wide range of foreign fonts and offer state-of-the-art design, layout and image setting solutions in any PC or Mac format.

Working in close connection with a well established print company, we can offer printing specifications. Global can also manage the entire printing and mailing process - from quotes to the final mailing or can speak directly with your own printing company to discuss specifications.





We work with more than 5,500 qualified linguists in over
150 countries.

Full CV's are available on request.


We are always willing to "go the extra mile" to ensure the best possible service at the highest possible standard.